What is Nascent Iodine
Nascent Iodine is regarded as the most ideal form of iodine. Usually consumed as a nutritional supplement, it has a wide range of benefits that stretch beyond regulating and promoting thyroid function and boosting the metabolism in our body.
What is nascent iodine?
Nascent Iodine is a supplemental form of iodine. Since our bodies do not produce iodine on their own, we need to ingest it orally. Iodine mainly helps with the appropriatefunctioning of our thyroid glands, which is essential in maintaining weight and regulating heartbeat.
Nascent Iodine is a high energy iodine supplement, which makes it extremely potent in large doses. However, in the right amounts, it plays a critical role when it comes toincreasing energy levels and kick-starting the functions of your body.
Since Nascent Iodine is so high in energy, it is one of the most popular iodine supplements currently on the market and is much better than other forms where the product bonds with sodium or potassium (for example, fortified salt with iodine in it).
One of the most prominent benefits of Nascent Iodine is that it has a negative electromagnetic charge due to an incomplete number of electrons. This ensures that Nascent Iodine does not cause any harm to your body, as the supplement in itself is unreactive to any chemical changes within our systems.
Nascent Iodine can also be utilized more quickly by your body since it does not have to break down and convert to iodide.
How to take nascent iodine?
When using Nascent Iodine, be sure to follow the steps advised by the doctor and stick to the dosage recommended by them.
Putting 1- 10 drops underneath the tongue is an effective administered dosage. One drop contains an average of 400 micrograms of Iodine. The doctor will prescribe the dosage that they deem to be the best, depending on a case by case situation and the need of any particular patient.
For the best results, you should take the dosage either early in the morning or early afternoon- anytime when your stomach is empty. Users of Nascent Iodine typically report excellent results with 1-8 drops per day.
Taking Nascent Iodine at any time after 4 pm could severely hamper your ability to sleep in the night, as it tends to rapidly increase metabolic activity, thus making you feel more energized.
The dosage of Nascent Iodine that you require usually depends on the following factors:
Through Nascent Iodine, you can easily start to reverse any ill-effects that you may have been experiencing from a lack of iodine in your body.